Long time no see.

What you’ve missed.
Around the start of the new year, I dropped off the face of the blogging world. Things in my personal life had gotten a little out of hand to say the least and OA was put on the back burner for even the last few months it was active. I haven’t had the courage or desire to share with most people the hardships and triumphs that have gone down so far during 2016; let alone what movie I recommend or what nail polish I am wearing. Like most other things in my life, I had set unrealistic expectations for Ordinary Adventures and with everything else that was going on, I couldn’t be bothered with it when summer faded and life got harder.

But things are different. Things are going to continue to be different both for my life and for OA. And I think I’m ready to tentatively step back into the blogging world. Here’s a few things that happened while I was “away”.

I started my first semester of grad school in January! I took three classes, which is full time, while working full time. Whew!

I spent quite a lot of time in doctor offices and hospitals. Gained quite a bit of weight. Had quite a few hard months.

Drew and I celebrated our two year wedding anniversary.

Not long after that, I turned 21. Not pictured: the candles falling seconds later and wax burning my hands and sheets.

I made a point to spend time doing some of my favorite things (like going to Busch Gardens!), with my favorite people, when, where, and how I wanted to. I’m realizing my happiness is important!

I finished up my first full school year as a special education teacher’s assistant! This was just a days worth of filing that had to be done before summer started.

When I said I spent a lot of time going to doctors and getting tests and procedures done, I was not exaggerating. There are a lot of problems, but luckily, there’s been a few answers uncovered in the past few months.

Drew has been a real goober through all this. But the best goober.

As this timeline gets closer to the present: my hair has gotten longer, I’ve lost the weight I gained in the winter while I was sicker, and I’m feeling more like myself than I have in years pretty much. I finished my summer grad class, I’m teaching summer school, I’ve started new hobbies, made new friends, took new adventures, beginning to see new outlooks.

One new hobby/interest has been makeup. Here’s a sneak peek of (most) of the makeup I’ve purchased in the past 2 months. It’s a sickness. I know.

What’s going on now.
Now I’m feeling a little better and I am at least under the illusion that I have my life somewhat more under control. I have exciting new ideas that I legitimately want to share, and stories I want to tell, and I guess deep down I’ve never stopped missing blogging. I’m not promising to be back forever. I’m not even promising to write another post this year, let alone this week or tomorrow. I’ll see what I can handle and what I want. And right now, I want to blog and I think I want to write more posts this week.

What’s coming.
Who knows? But I’m hoping for tons of makeup reviews, stories and details of my life and what has been going on, creative crap that get my juices going again, goal lists that get me motivated, fashion compilations, entertainment reviews, and of course, more installments of blog stalking my favorite content creators.

What’s going on and coming up in my life though? Well, I can’t wait to share, but you guys are going to have to.

Cheers lovely readers,
— Brey

60 thoughts on “Long time no see.

    1. Thank you! It’s actually really good to be back.
      Unfortunately there are/were quite a few health problems going on that I finally decided to fix and get answers to. Too many to go into in a comment, but I won’t leave you guys in the dark for too long, I’ll get a post about some of them soon!

      Liked by 2 people

  1. I was only thinking of you the other day: quite a few people I began following when I stared blogging last year seem to have vanished but I knew you’d started your training and wondered if you’d pop up with it coming to the end of term for most people. And here you are! Sorry to hear you’ve had a rough time with your health but pleased you’re back on track pretty much now. Nice to see you back for however long you feel you want to stick around! 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thank you for saying that Haylee. I was worried about coming back, but everyone has been so gracious and sweet. I hope to stick around for some time, but maybe not daily like before 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Welcome back to the blogging world! Great to read a post from you. No pressure for future posts. Just good to read a recent post. Was wondering what happened…

    Liked by 3 people

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