Woah, slow down.

I wish this was a January goals/new years resolutions post. But it’s not. I don’t know what this is. It just came out.



I recently have “returned” from my first, real blogging break. I posted about my little adventures I took over my holiday and acted as if I was back. But to be honest with you guys, I don’t know if I am.

Bigger things than “what DIY will I post about today”, or “what dreamy to-do list will I share”, has come up in my life. Nothing actually big has happened, I’m okay and all! And maybe it’s just the new year freshness, or the huge possibilities that 2016 already has in store; but I’m restless and already neck deep in stress/excitement. My mind is so cluttered and nervous that I cannot possibly fathom creating a makeup tutorial or other.

Work, possible promotions, grad school starting, errands, body modifications, cleaning, planning, writing, seeing friends, learning, cooking, working out: none of it has been ironed out. January 1st is already done and gone, and I have nothing to show for it.

What am I saying? I don’t know what I’m saying, or doing, or planning on doing. It’s all a blur, can you tell? So I guess that IS what I’m saying, and that is, that I don’t know.

Right now I need to buckle down and figure out what I’m doing. When I’m done, I’ll tackle my blogging expectations. In the mean time, I may post, I may not post.

I know you all will understand.
I hope you guys are ready for an absolutely crazyamazing, year.

— Brey

36 thoughts on “Woah, slow down.

  1. Excitement can be scary but it’s also a great emotion! Much better than sadness – I am kind of in a similar situation this year. A LOT of changes I am planning on doing… and I am trying to keep the excitement level high. You’re doing just fine!


  2. brace yourself brey! grad school is a real time sucker! i’m finishing my last semester this spring…eeek!!! gearing up for the very last semester…i never EVER thought i would see the day!! but it’s so worth it! yes i have senior-itis like nobodies business…and yes, i pretty much went into the program ready to get out…but it has challenged me in so many ways and opened so many opportunities! i know you’ll do great!!! and i will miss your posts in the meantime!!! xxooo sb


  3. Rather go live a life that is worthy to blog about than actually spending time blogging about it. if that makes sense. if your fingers itch and you want to write, then share with us. Otherwise embrace the real. 🙂


  4. I love this post! It’s so honest! I’ve attempted blogging before and my life was so “cluttered” with happenings then that I couldn’t find myself deciding on a topic to write about! So I quit…I’m back not and I still struggle with it because I just have so much going on, but I’m really trying to do something for ME, and blogging gives me some sort of creative outlet that relaxes me from every day’s chaos. Be blessed and be happy! Everything else will follow…


  5. This is still going on for me and it’s the Jan. 17th. I’m taking a little time for myself while I press on today to catch up. Thanks for this.


  6. This is refreshing to read as I am going through this phase and have been for awhile, myself. We are human, and sometimes just need a break from routine. Good luck to you, Brey and I hope that you find all that you are looking for!


  7. I feel you, I’ve got a similar kind of situation right now. There’s so much going on, but it feels like nothing really special is going on and there’s no energy left to write a post. But it’s ok (: Do whatever works for you and acknowledge the emotions you have. They just tell us what’s important to us now xx


  8. I feel very similar with my blog! At the end of 2015, I was offered full time from being part-time, I moved in with my boyfriend, and really started to commit myself to fitness and healthy eating. It didn’t seem like a lot but it sure felt like a lot. Now it’s been a few weeks and I feel I am finally adjusting! And looking forward to getting back into blogging! I will definitely need to pre plan everything for the new month ahead (Can you believe it! It’s already going to be February in another week! )


  9. Hello!
    I hope are well, we are all here waiting for you. The beauty of life is that you don’t have to know; just BE, LIVE, ENJOY! You’re not forgotten & are missed but wish you well, cheers!

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